If You Could See the Pain I See

Working through Infidelity Part 1
Infidelity is such a deeply traumatic event for committed couples. I have listened and watched the most painful releases in my practice during these sessions. It is a huge loss of trust in your partner and very difficult to regain.
Radix is particularly designed to help couples process this loss and facilitate the healing necessary so that the coupleship can be made whole again.
For the partner aggrieved Radix allows the full range of emotions from deep anger at their partner who cheated on them to the importance of having deep anger at the person our partner cheated with, especially if you know that person. All the stages of grief must be processed through often, over and over, for the healing to take place.
Radix also addresses the deep feelings of the aggrieved that somehow “they must have caused” their partner to cheat. These are common thoughts and feelings of “if only I was more attractive, attentive, sexually active my partner would not have done this. We allow the feelings of doubt to be fully explored but also to bring you back to the knowing that nothing you did caused your partner to cheat.